Foods That Stop Cellulite

Foods That Stop Cellulite Unfortunately, you cannot get rid of cellulite by losing weight, however you can help by simply changing the food you eat. Cellulite can be bane of our lives and can hold us back, making us feel uncomfortable with the way we look. Cellulite...

Most common myths about cellulite busted!

We’ve all heard of the many miracle cures and home remedies that claim to rid us of cellulite. There is so much information out there about the frustrating skin dimples that it can become overwhelming and difficult to separate fact from fiction. London’s expert...

Does Red Wine Really Help Cellulite?

Does Red Wine Really Help Cellulite? Red wine can be a real rescue remedy when you get home from a long and stressful day at work. Of course, red wine is the best alcohol to drink for a healthy heart however, what if I was to tell you that red wine is also amazing for...